James and I were talking and looked over the other day where we had JUST looked a few minutes before and lo and behold Evan was gone. We go to the hallway and there is Evan, determinedly making his way down to our bedroom. We called, "Evan!!" He stopped, turned around and looked at us, then continued on his merry way.
Evan also enjoys playing and will frequently crawl under the exersaucer as if it is a fort. He will play for good 1/2 hour chunks sometimes, all by himself. He also enjoys tipping the dog's water bowl and banging her food bowl on the floor and against the walls. I allow him the food bowl if Chloe is off sleeping, but I do like to keep the water bowl away from him.
Evan can hold his own bottle and sippy cups. He also pulls up on his own on the side of us and on the bathtub, which we try to discourage because standing in the tub won't be allowed as he gets older.
As far as chatter, Evan still mainly makes ERrr oooh garrrr rarrrr sounds. I know when he is calling me or is curious because he makes a sound higher in pitch with his eyebrows up "ah!" "ah!" He is also fond of the thbbbbththththtpppppppt noise which also produces much saliva.
I think he is also cutting a tooth pretty soon. James didn't get teeth until after 9 months so we are thinking Evan is taking after him in that department as I had teeth at 5 months.
Evan is also easy with affection. He snuggles right in when we greet him in the morning and after naps. You can say, "Huggy, huggy, huggy, huggy!" while squeezing him tight and he will nestle in. Very cute. He doesn' t give kisses though, he probably thinks they are something he receives quite a bit!