Good morning! Drew is up. Actually, he woke up at 6:30.

I set Drew in something to sit up while I get ready but he is such an escape artist. He didn't during these photos last week but this morning he rolled off the bed! He can't be alone there anymore. He really escapes whatever he is in if you give him enough time. He isn't even sitting yet!

Okay buddy, you are being locked up.

I am almost ready but look who else is up!

Evan comes in the bedroom and talks about something on the Today Show.

Drew lights up when he sees Evan.

Evan lately likes to play with a tin full of buttons I have been collecting over the past 10 years.

Now we go downstairs to eat breakfast. Evan gets toast and jelly with yogurt.

While I make breakfast we do the Drew shuffle. He goes in the swing at first. He is too heavy for it now and it doesn't swing when he is in it, even on full power.

He is still trying to escape and getting bored, so I shuffle him to the kitchen.

Evan liked his breakfast!

I am all ready and talking to my Mom.

Now it is time to get the kids dressed and diapers changed. We are meeting Elisabeth and her son Ryan at Playspace this morning!

Drew is starting to get grumpy, so he goes down for a morning nap.

Evan and I hang out while Drew is asleep.

Drew is awake now!

Time to change another diaper!

Drew often flips mid diaper change to see what Evan is doing. He can't get enough of his big brother.

We don't get a lot of action on our street but on our tiny drive a fire truck just drove by! Evan was very excited.

More diaper change shenanigans.

Elisabeth called and it is time to load up and go!

OH but Chloe wants out.

Evan takes her out most of the time now while we hold the door for him.

Okay now we load up.

We are here! Drew fell asleep and Evan is listening to the kids outside.

Elisabeth and Ryan are here and we all go inside.

Evan played at a train table for a long time but I didn't get a picture, I was busy talking. Then he and Ryan put puzzles together and explored tunnels. Evan drove a little red car.

Evan started getting overwhelmed and had a meltdown. It was time for us to go.

Drew goes here while I make lunch for everybody.

Evan doesn't really touch his lunch, grilled cheese and applesauce.

Drew ate some of his.

Now Evan is really losing it.

Drew goes in his crib while I put Evan down.

Still mad!

Evan shakes his bed rail. I keep hoping this will just stop one day.

I feed Drew and watch soaps.

Drew is down and now I get dinner together for the slow cooker.

SOMEBODY woke Drew up by being loud and yelling "Mommy where are you!!???" Naps are becoming extinct on Evan's part and "quiet time" is a term used very loosely around this house.

But Drew is going to have to wait because I am in the middle of browning chicken.
Drew miraculously went back to sleep so I took a very brief nap.

But then Drew woke again so I got him back to sleep in our big bed. This is where he spends most of his afternoon naps. I often nap with him while Evan plays in his room and wonders where I am.
Today I just go ahead and get Evan up out of his room and he demands to brush his teeth.

I would go outside but it is 94 degrees out, so we play doctor inside.

History in the making. A school bus must have made a wrong turn and came right down our street. Again Evan ran toward the window yelling "school bus, school bus!" Today is a good day. Evan is also obsessed with different kinds of trucks. He even calls his train a "choo choo truck."

Drew is up!

We play a little bit.

Daddy is home and we are going for a very short walk. The heat is just too much for a longer walk.

Evan rides part way and walks the rest.

Then my friend Lindsay stops by with her spikey haired new family member, Abigail and her husband, Brand and daughter, Penelope. Penelope and Evan have been friends since before they could sit alone. Evan calls Penelope "Tapeepee"

Evan and Penelope play out in the sandbox for a bit.

Dinner is ready! Chicken curry!

Evan has a little rice with curry, chicken nuggets and applesauce. He eats only the nuggets. He is so over applesauce.

Drew eats some kind of baby food. He usually doesn't get two solids a day yet.

Evan is finally learning to use an open cup. That is my fault, I never pushed it or taught him. His inspiration for using one now? The fact that I am using it with Drew every day as well.

Bath time for Drew! I do this.

Bath time for Evan! James does this. Once Drew can sit up we are putting him in with Evan.

All dressed in pj's!

Good night kiss!

Night night Drew! He rolls on to his stomach now whenever I put him down.

I help James clean up the kitchen and I clean the living room. I am still painting the kitchen.

Around 11 I go in and feed Drew again. Then I check on everyone else, take a shower and go to bed.

Thanks for being a part of our day!