Drew is 9 months old and quite a lot of fun. He enjoys eating table food a lot more than baby food. His favorites are tofu and avacado. He is still waking once at night around 4 am but very briefly and goes right back to sleep until about 7:30am. He is taking 1-2 naps a day depending on our schedule, which varies very much day to day. Ideally, he should still have 2 naps a day. He is still pulling up on just about everything he can and he wants to be doing what ever his older brother is doing. He is intensely curious and he gets into everything he can get his big baby hands on. Just today I fished a ball of notebook paper out of his mouth as well as a foam heart sticker. He has a goofy sense of humor and will laugh a big hearty from the gut baby laugh at any slapstick humor you perform for him.
He has started drinking out of a sippy cup though he still gets frustrated as he hasn't quite learned the coordination of tipping it up when the juice gets low.
Because of Drew's increased mobility and Evan's recent start in preschool, the sibling rivalry has increased exponentially. I am in fact, going to get some reading material on the subject to help deal with it. Evan has a very hard time right now dealing with Drew being near him or new things coming into the house for Drew such as booster seats and baby gates. Oh well, I know this too shall pass but I feel like a boxing referee whenever the two of them are awake.
Evan is enjoying crayons a lot these days.
Cute Drew.
Hamper fun. Evan does doesn't mind if Drew is around and we are all having fun, it is when Drew is potentially interrupting his fun that Evan gets a little perturbed. Evan also likes to pat/push/rub Drew's head.
Drew doesn't like wearing hats.
I documented this historic moment: Evan eating asparagus. He actually only ate it because it was slathered in Vidalia onion steak sauce.
I ran my 5K today! My friend Lori and I ran it in 34 mins., 37 seconds. Lori is 13 weeks pregnant! We actually shaved 2.5 minutes off of our entire 3 mile run time! So my average was an 11.5 minute mile for the race. Next up: a half marathon in August. The only reason I am committing to that is because I need a goal to work towards or I lose motivation.
We had to wake up both boys early for the race.
The final stretch before the finish line. I am smiling here, but I feel like dying.
Evan and Vince re-enacting the race.
Evan ran a tot race.
Even though he and this little boy had an entire road they kept glomming on to each other like magnetic amoebas. All the kids won blue ribbons.
Today we went to Penelope's birthday party, she turned 3!
The birthday girl on Be Bop the pony. None of the boys would ride him, except Drew. The girls loved him though! Be Bop loved eating grass.
Lindsay, Peneolpe's mom, holding Drew. She was also going to run today but she unfortunately contracted a nasty chest cold and had to bow out. She will be running the 1/2 marathon next year as well.
Drew only had a 1 hour nap today. Drew's favorite part of the party was digging in the dirt.