After the pumpkin patch the next weekend we met Grandma at the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro. Evan was not in a good mood that day, he didn't want to be there, he wanted to go back to the pumpkin patch we visited the week before. He would LIVE in the pumpkin patch if he could.
oooooh a sea lion!
Climbing a fun spider web at the zoo's nature inspired play ground.
Could barely drag him away. He was up there trying to get past the big kids eventually. No pictures of that obviously as we were looking out for his welfare.
On second thought, so sure I want to be in this pod.
This pretty much sums up Evan's mood that day.
Caribou, Elk?
The Zoo just opened up a large expanse of land as a nature preserve. Pretty cool.
Ooooh a gorilla!
Big guy. Ignored us.
Grizzly Bear!
Finally, Evan is happy because he is seeing his favorite animal, the giraffe.
A few days later we headed to the State Fair. Another one of Evan's favorites, I really believe he may be a carnie when he grows up. That, or a lawyer.
Drew tries cotton candy, likes it.
Evan would have nothing to do with cotton candy, but he was all over the ice cream, or it was all over him.
Something that stunned me, Drew likes salad. This child will eat RAW BABY SPINACH LEAVES. But he does love his salad drenched in Ranch as well.
First we have our annual tradition of gathering at James' work for trick or treating at desks and games and food. Fun fun.
Can I have what he is having?
Gathering around for the Rock Band competition.
Trick or Treating!
At first, Drew thought the point was to ride in the wagon.
But he observed Evan for a few houses...
And he caught on with gusto.
We never got around to carving pumpkins this year, we were so busy, so here are someone else's.
Trick or Treating in action.