Grandma protects Drew from the overhanging trees of which Drew has suddenly become quite wary.
Today we went down to Groundspark downtown. It was really neat to see all the talented chalk artists.
My two favorites:
Evan asked what this was and I said, "Um.....a bat." A lady next to me told me it was a pregnant chihuahua and the artist is pretty famous for them. It was the only drawing under a tent...
Evan's favorite:
Evan thought this one looked like Lucy getting into trouble. He kept asking if she was taking his toys or a dog toy in this picture. Then he asked if we could go to the dog toy store and get Lucy a new dog toy.
Afterwards we went to brunch or "second breakfast" according to Evan. It is at an Irish Pub I really love and we all enjoyed it.
We decided to drive over to the State Fairgrounds and check out the flea market and we had a lot of fun walking around looking at all the wares. Drew is on my back.