October is a busy month when you have kids, and this month is going to be jam-packed with fun for us. We went to the "Punkin Patch" as Evan says, today. Next weekend we are meeting Grandma at the Zoo and then the next week we will be going to the State Fair and the next week of course is Halloween! Fun fun!
Economy Tanks! Thousands wait in bread lines! Drew is not happy at this headline.
Brothers snuggling on the couch.
I put this costume in the Goodwill bag and Drew dug it out and wanted to wear it. It was the costume he wore at 9 months and it is labeled "infant" but it still just barely fits. It wouldn't button up in the back though.
Drew, lining up cars.
Evan wanted to pose with his backpack on in front of the Halloween Tree we decorated together while Drew napped.
He calls this little one "The Punkin King"
I finally trimmed some raggedy wisps from Drew's hair. His first haircut.
We joined Lori, Jim, Vince and Mia at the "Punkin Patch" or so Evan calls it.
Evan in one of the many mazes, he must have done this one 15 times. This child loves mazes!
Drew on the other hand, couldn't get enough of the bounce house. So while Evan figured out the mazes with James, I witnessed the force of nature that is Drew. The child who can keep up with kids 3 times his age.
Then we moved on to the train ride. Drew and Evan were both very excited about this. Drew spots the train and he is so happy!
After the train ride we moved to the fort. Drew wants James to pick him up! Stand on your tiptoes Drew!
Next up, the hayride, which Evan was very excited about.
This ride brought us over to the pumpkin patch, where you pick out your pumpkin then take the hay ride back to the main "farm" area.
We rode back and had a picnic lunch where I ran into my friend Lavanya and her family!
A couple videos. Drew toots his "horn." This was a "Jonah and the Whale" Evan made at preschool where you toot the party horn on the bottom of the whale and a rolled-up paper Jonah comes spewing out the "spout" of the whale. It was cute, until Drew later ripped it up.