Monday, June 06, 2005
Six Month Well-Baby
Today was Evan's 6 month Well Baby appointment. As usual the shots didn't go over well, but thankfully we don't have to experience those again until 12 months.
Evan is 16 lbs., 8 oz. which is the 25th percentile in weight. The doctor said he gained more height than is peers going from the 25th percentile to the 50th percentile at 26.5 inches tall. His head was 17 inches around.
Evan is doing very well developmentally and was even fascinated with the paper on the examining table, he was pat pat patting it over and over again and ended up ripping it up. Our next appointment is at 9 months where thankfully we won't face any shots.
The pictures above are from after Evan's bath tonight. It was hot down here today at 94 degrees so we had the air conditioner on full blast. It was quite a shock to come out of a warm bath into the cool air so I wrapped Evan up. He seems a bit disturbed at the camera to say the least. He giggled at my reaction to him but each time the camera flashed he made that face! We also thought he looked like the flying nun.