Well, on the eve of Evan's 9 mos. birthday, we have had several milestones in a week.
In the beginning of the week I walked into Evan's room after he woke up from a nap and I found him like this.
He pulled himself up all by himself.
Then midweek, he started babbling! He really hasn't babbled at all so far so this was very fun. He makes a noise like emah! emah! emah!
Then he was able to really start feeding himself with his Cheerios and puffs. He has had troubles before now with grasping the tiny puffs, but not now! Let those synapses fire.
And for Evan's finale this week, we finally have a TOOTH!!! I felt it this morning and can see it finally after so many months of suspected teething.
As soon as it is visible I will post a picture for you.
Have a great holiday weekend all!
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