Does Evan look confused in the first photo? It may be because I was commanding him to STAY! so I could at least get a size reference picture.
Evan is all over the place with his new mobility. He is pulling up on everything and has pulled over a floor lamp in his efforts. Talk about a heart attack moment for me! Evan is also just starting to cruise.
With all the people he is around the last week he has really come along with attempting to communicate. He is a little quieter now that we are home from vacation but he started saying, da da da, ma ma ma, and ba ba ba. He much prefers da da da though.
This weekend Evan was chasing Chloe, our wiener dog and saying da da da! James made sure to let Evan know that the dog is not da da da! but doggie or Chloe! We definately don't want Evan confusing the two!
It is fun to hear him babbling over the baby monitor when he is in his crib as well. Perhaps he is having a conversation with Pooh Bear.
Fall is finally here and the heat has broken so I am looking forward to a lot more outside time with Evan in the next couple months. We are finishing up our colds and hopefully next week we will be ready to be out and about with fervor.
I hope you all are well, have a good week!
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