Evan has had a bad cold the past week and has passed it on to us as well but thank goodness he only had a couple sleepless nights.
Evan has lofty goals and his favorite activities are climbing as high as he can on the couch and our bed. When we eventually remove him for fear of his very life he cries and protests. A man on a mission.
Evan is saying da-da and bwa-bwa. I think bwa-bwa might be an attempt at ma-ma because he definately says da-da more around James and bwa-bwa more around me.
James and Evan around Christmas.
Evan at play with new soccer ball.
Upside-down, a favorite of Evan's.
Evan after cookie with blue icing at his friend Levi's first birthday party.
Playing with buddies Levi on left and Ryan on right.
Evan at 13 months.
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