Evan was very lethargic and listless. He was a rag doll and I held him the better part of Thursday and Friday. He probably walked all of 5 steps on Friday before he sat down and cried. He also started to look sunken, skinny and greenish. Evan just looked absolutely terrible and felt that way as well. He couldn't even keep a sip of liquid down.
In the ER they took all kinds of tests on Evan and found him to be dehydrated. They take blood to check the CO in the blood and they like to see the number around 22 (parts per ?). Evan's was 8 when we came in!
So poor little Evan was hooked up to an IV in the Children's Emergency Room. There was no crib, only a typical hospital cot with rails you can lift on each side. So Evan spent a better part of a day and a half laying on James and I to sleep. James and I probably got about an hour of sleep while we were there. Despite the fact that you have to rest at a hospital, we all know the furniture there is some of the most uncomfortable in the world!
After a night and morning on the IV they took Evan off on Saturday midday to see if he would start taking fluids on his own. Evan refused to drink, all he did was sleep sleep sleep he was so exhausted. If I offered the cup, he would turn away. We would have to spend another night if Evan didn't start drinking!
Eventually Evan started taking Pedialyte through a straw. He wouldn't drink through the straw in the traditional manner though. I had to take the straw, put it in his cup, put my finger over the top of the straw and thereby suspending the liquid in the straw when I removed it from the cup then I would drop it into Evan's mouth.
Evan must have thought this was pretty cool because he drank 8 ounces of pedialyte over the next few hours that way. I knew once we got home in a normal environment he would start drinking regularly again, and sure enough he did.
Evan slept from 5pm last night until 7:30 this morning and we went to bed at 7pm last night and we all caught up on some much needed sleep. Evan is still very weak and tired though he looks much better. Today he had oatmeal and some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Only a couple hours after waking up however he was laying on the floor and closing his eyes. I put him down for a nap and he is going on 3 hours now! He really needs to recover after that horrible sickness.
Thanks to all who we talked to while we were in the hospital for your concern and kind words.
Evan has an Easter Egg Hunt on Wednesday so I hope to get him rested up and healthy for that.
Friday morning, Evan is not doing well. All he did was lay on James in the morning before James had to go to work and then me the rest of the day. He threw up several times.
Here he is with his IV splint at the hospital.
This is how he slept (and we didn't) most of the time we were there. That chair I am in brutalized James' and my lower backs and we had to take shifts holding Evan. We will be taking ibuprofin for a few days because of this chair.
Evan in his baby-sized hospital gown. It was riding up a bit.
Evan walking around the waiting area when we were leaving and James was getting the car. Finally a little bit of the normal Evan back! He was looking at a cool column of bubbles, one of several around the Children's ER.
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