Sunday, May 14, 2006

Trip to the Beach!

We went down to Hilton Head again. This is becoming a family tradition. We were there for a week and it was really fun and relaxing. Me, my Mom, my Dad, Evan, James, my brother, my cousin, Will, my Uncle John and Aunt Maria all made the trek to Hilton Head for a very nice time.

Evan and Will playing when we arrived. Evan really liked will and would sit on him on the couch to watch tv and give him hugs every morning.

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Grandma showing Evan how to stomp around in a puddle after a thundershower.

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It was cooler when we arrived at the beach and we didn't do much. Also Evan was in the middle of a pretty bad cold.

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Just get your feet wet a little.

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Not sure what to make of it. Evan was pretty mesmerized by the ocean.

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Beach day 2. A bit warmer, maybe today will work out better.

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Checking out Frank, the seagull. Both he and Evan share an affinity for Cheez-Its.

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The beach house. It was very big but really cozy, a nice layout as well.

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Evan and Grandad enjoying a morning on the porch.

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Building "Turtle Palace" with Daddy.

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A little warmer out today, really starting to like the beach.

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My Dad, Mom, Aunt Maria and Uncle John, from left.

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Daddy and Evan in the tide.

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