We also discovered the reason why Evan has not been saying "Mama" or anything of the sort. He has been saying "Yeah" with gusto for months and last week it finally clicked for me that I am indeed, "Yeah." All the reinforcement and joy I have expressed at Evan shouting "Yeah!" at me has just cemented in his mind that I am "yeah" Now whenever he says it too me I say, "Mommy!" But he just repeats "Yeah!" back at me and sometimes shakes his head telling me that I am Yeah, not Mommy.
Evan finally started pointing at things as well which helps our communication a bit. He still hasn't quite learned how to take a bite out of something so I am still cutting up his sandwhiches into tiny squares.
Last week we went to see my friend Emily who had Miller, back in July. It was so nice seeing them and Miller is such a sweetie pie. Seeing him really brings back some memories and I certainly don't have long to wait to relive them either!
Ahh remember this? The blissful newborn "I fell asleep at the bottle" look.
Emily looks great! Evan was very curious about Miller and noticed him in his swing as soon as we walked in the house. He didn't want to have a lot to do with him, though he was curious about Miller's bottle. Evan shook it and couldn't quite figure out how to get the "milk" out.
When I held Miller Evan was pretty displeased. He turned over some picture frames on Emily's shelves in quite a display of anger. He also ran to the next room and tried to smoosh himself between the ottoman and chair. Then when we were leaving and saying bye bye to Miller and Emily, Evan tried to give Miller a nice slap in the face. Ahhh if only he knew what was to come. I guess I will have to get baby Drew a newborn hockey mask and pads.
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