Sunday, January 28, 2007

Drew is One Month Old!

Here we go again! Drew still is only sleeping 2-3 hours at a time, around the clock. He has had a cold with a stuffy nose for about a week and a half and that has made it more difficult for him to get some sleep. He does have his days and nights sorted out though, so after he eats at night he will go back to sleep most times to let us get a few blocks of 1.5-2.5 hours of sleep. All in all we are doing okay. He is even starting to smile! All I need to do is smooch him on the face and I will usually get a cute little smile. For his picture below I kissed him and then snapped the photo of his smile.

Speaking of kissing, Evan is very into that lately and will kiss James and I with a resounding "mmmmmmwah" sound. Very cute.

Since I didn't start this blog until Evan was about 5 months old, here is a comparison picture of Evan at one month old. Click the link in bold and scroll down a good ways to see a similar picture of Evan.

One month old.

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Looking cute after a bath.

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All swaddled up in his Miracle Blanket. It really isn't a miracle. He doesn't sleep longer in it then any other blanket, though it does make it easy to get a tight swaddle.

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Evan looking cute with his Burley Bear.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hello from Wintery North Carolina

We had our first snow in a long time. It was unexpected and not very much, and actually didn't last half the day. So we took Evan out quickly before it melted to see how he liked it. In typical Evan style he was skeptical and wasn't very interested. Maybe next year!

Hmmm.. this white stuff is interesting.

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Why is Daddy making me come stand in it?

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See you all later, I am headed inside!

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Drew had his first bath tonight, post belly button drop off. In typical Drew style he just hung out and took it all in.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Handsome Evan

Here is Evan looking as cute as ever eating brownies yesterday. We are still in the middle of (or the beginning of?) sleepless land over here. Well, everyone but Evan and Drew.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007


Evan has been pretty good regarding the new addition to our family. We have had a few rough patches and there surely will be more to come, but all in all Evan is slightly friendly towards Drew. Though the sibling holding sibling picture is a long time coming.

Evan has had a few tantrums and is generally a bit fussier than he used to be. We try to make him feel special though, and he is.

We taught him to say "Hi Drew!" but it comes out like "Hi Doo!" or "Hi Dee!" I finally caught on today when he was saying "Bye Bye Dee!" all day, and all day yesterday. I think Evan is telling Drew it is time to leave. Hopefully Evan will soon realize that Drew is here to stay.

Evan telling Drew "Hi" while Drew is in the swing. Evan is not afraid of the bird anymore.

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Sleeping Drew. He looks like this quite a bit though he certainly has lots of wide awake periods, often lasting 5 hours or more. We are hoping he will get his days and nights sorted out soon. Though the thing that keeps him up at night is mostly gas!

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Some Grandma Time

My Mom came to stay a week and James' Mom came over the weekend. It wasn't such a pleasant visit for James' Mom though because Evan had a bad stomach virus over night last night and none of us got much sleep. Thankfully Evan is recouperating today.

Earlene and Drew and Evan. Drew's outfit has snowmen on it and says "so cool". Nice outfit for our 70 degree weather :).

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My Mom snuggling with Drew.

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We took Evan to the park yesterday, it was so gorgeous. We actually managed to get out of the house by 11 am. Evan is a lot more independent at the park now, I think because of preschool. He goes down the slide by himself now and explores a lot more.

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Everyone recovering from our horrible night last night. Poor Evan couldn't keep anything down, not even a sip of water. It was NO FUN. Notice Evan's finger in his mouth due to some molars coming in. That hand has been a source of many germs the last month or so!

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Busy Day

Today we had our first day ALONE, (my Mom left after a week of staying here and taking care of us) and it was a BUSY day. Evan had preschool today which he loved! The first few times he went were pretty rough, but today he had a blast and was running all over the playground when I arrived. He also made a cute birdhouse craft.

Then we went to James' company's lunch get together to show everyone the new studio. Evan pigged out on rolls, baked beans and brownies. Drew slept through the whole thing.

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After the party Evan had his 2 year check-up. He is doing great at 33 3/4 inches tall and 25. 5 lbs.

Here is Drew with my newest palm pilot. This is how Drew looks most of the time right now.

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Drew in the swing.

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Finally we have the rock pile. Whenever we take a walk past this pile the walk stops and we HAVE to play in the rocks. Recently James started showing Evan how to go up and down the pile. Pretty soon they will be playing king of the mountain!

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Some Updates

Drew has a bit of jaundice the pediatricians are watching. I guess jaundice can be caused by blood type issues , (mine is negative and the boys are positive) and Drew has some jaundice as Evan did. Hopefully we won't have to put him on the bili-light as Drew is 5 days old and eating very well and passing fluids. We go back tomorrow for a recheck and hopefully his numbers will be down. On the plus side he is back up to his birth weight.

Evan is adjusting well and pretty curious about his little brother. Though Drew is so quiet right now Evan barely notices he is around. I taught Evan to say "hi" to Drew so now whenever he sees Drew or Drew cries Evan says "Hi!" It has been a good adjustment so far but I know that is subject to change.

Here is Evan at a few days old vs Drew at a few days old. They are definitly brothers!

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Drew looking as yellow as a lemon with jaundice.

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Evan having fun with Drew's baby mirror.

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