Here we go again! Drew still is only sleeping 2-3 hours at a time, around the clock. He has had a cold with a stuffy nose for about a week and a half and that has made it more difficult for him to get some sleep. He does have his days and nights sorted out though, so after he eats at night he will go back to sleep most times to let us get a few blocks of 1.5-2.5 hours of sleep. All in all we are doing okay. He is even starting to smile! All I need to do is smooch him on the face and I will usually get a cute little smile. For his picture below I kissed him and then snapped the photo of his smile. Speaking of kissing, Evan is very into that lately and will kiss James and I with a resounding "mmmmmmwah" sound. Very cute.Since I didn't start this blog until Evan was about 5 months old, here is a comparison picture of Evan at one month old. Click the link in bold and scroll down a good ways to see a similar picture of Evan.
One month old.
Looking cute after a bath.
All swaddled up in his Miracle Blanket. It really isn't a miracle. He doesn't sleep longer in it then any other blanket, though it does make it easy to get a tight swaddle.
Evan looking cute with his Burley Bear.
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