Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Birds, Boo-bee, Moo-me and Kickboxing.

First here is a picture of Drew and Charlotte. Charlotte is the second daughter of a playgroup friend of mine, Alison. Charlotte and Drew were born on the same day only a few hours apart from each other. Alison and her family just relocated to Virginia.

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I took Evan to the park today and met some of my playgroup friends. Evan spent about 1/2 hour in the swings. He was smiling and looking around and just enjoying a relaxing swing.

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Come on everyone, lets go down and feed the ducks! Evan, Penelope and Vince run run run!

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Looks like most of the geese are still down somewhere in Mexico. For now we have seagulls. They were really aggressive. You could hold out a piece of bread and they would grab it right out of your fingers. Evan ate his bread instead of feeding it too the birds.

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Evan thought the birds were pretty amusing.

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Here is Drew playing in his bouncer. He gets really excited about batting the rattles around. He looks like a kickboxer. You will see Evan saying "boobee" which is "baby" and "moome" which is "mommy." For some reason he loves the double o sound.

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