It took me a while to get a good picture of Drew. He was watching Evan run around.
Oooh what is this gadget?
I'll be damned if Drew gets to play with it and I don't.
This is Drew looking at Evan crying after I told Evan to wait to play with the palm pilot.
Evan, slightly upset.
Finally a good picture and we can wrap up this fiasco.
Cute picture of them together. A second later Evan tried to shove Drew out of the Boppy so he could sit there.
Drew is not enthusiastic about solids. He often wants to feed himself, though he is not ready to eat the types of food he could pick up with his hands and put into his mouth. I compromise by giving him an occasional biter biscuit and letting him hold his own spoon. This was Drew's first biter biscuit and this is the only time he has smiled like this while eating his dinner.
Drew can also drink out of straw. Evan never showed any interest in straws until a month ago, but now he is a straw pro. They both are!
Don't take this pear juice from me!
Evan wanted some attention while I was feeding Drew dinner so he decided he was going to feed Drew, and all of this was his own idea.
Drew didn't seem to mind though Evan missed his mouth a few times.
Evan has become an expert tower builder. He frequently asks us to "come build tower" throughout the day. He built this one just today...... Just kidding! James built it but Evan did get 4 blocks on top before it fell. I think that is pretty expert for a 2 and a half year old.
oooh don't fall!