Evan loved Maryn and had so much fun with her. They started off by playing some games of hide and seek.
Maryn took Evan up to wash his hands and they were also smearing soapy water all over the bathroom counter.
Evan perused Maryn's book selection and found it quite pleasing. He kept saying "Mickey book!"
Having fun outside. Maryn wanted me to get an action shot.
Maryn is pushing her daughter, Susie.
Maryn offering Evan an apple.
Evan ate so much better up there because he saw Maryn eating veggies and fruit. He also discovered that he likes to dip things in ketchup and he ate baby carrots and broccoli smothered in ketchup. Tonight we offered him some ranch dressing and he dipped his pizza in it. He loves to dip now! Anyway, they had a great dinner this night and they both got cookies after they ate.
Drew's first time in my parent's pool. He really enjoys pools now, it took him a while to really warm up to the idea.
Drew and Evan are starting to play together. Evan was insisting on giving Drew some horsey rides last week. Drew was laughing so hard, he loved it.
Here we are at the park. Drew enjoying the swings and Evan had a first; he went down the big slide by himself and on his rump.
Here is another bit of some of the jungle we have going on in the back of our house.
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