Binkie is broken...

Evan still slept with his binkie at night and recently I decided that
we should get rid of it. He sleeps with it in his mouth at night
unless I come in and take it out so I was worried about his teeth
coming in.
Mysteriously, Evan's binkie became broken. I brought it to him and pointed out that binkie was broken and that we usually we throw broken things into
the trash. I asked him if he wanted to throw it away and he said,
"No!" A few minutes later however he brought it into the kitchen and
said "Binkie throw away," and he tossed it into the trash can.
That night when he climbed into bed after bath he picked up his lovey
guitar and started looking for binkie. Binkie has always been a
partner to guitar in Evan's mind. Evan looked around the bed and said
"Binkie, where are you?" James reminded him that binkie was broken
and we threw it away. Evan looked slightly in shock. James said it
was like sitting in the room with someone who knows something bad just
happened but they can't bring themselves to talk about it. Evan was
in shock through story time and he kept rubbing his guitar and saying
"Guitar, guitar..." as if to remind himself that at least guitar was
still there.
Evan slept great that night and has had a good nap and another good
night since binkie "broke" We have had to remind him a couple of
times that binkie was broken and gone, but it seems to be sinking in.
He has been a tad more emotional the past few days I think due in
part to separating from binkie. It is a pretty big lesson in finality
to say good bye to such a treasured item.
But I think I would rather face that now than the orthodontist's bill
Drew is trying a lot of new foods and enjoying most of them. He doesn't particularly like egg yolk, but he will eat it to be polite.

Drew enjoys the taste (and feel) of warm oatmeal with fruit.

Evan still likes his photo taken.

Drew also enjoys pastina with veggies.

Evan still enjoys peanut butter and jelly.

Drew does not enjoy wearing bibs or hats, he rips them off. I was hoping he would be my hat wearing child; alas, no.

Evan enjoys listening to music on my iPod. He will only hold the ear buds up to his ears though. If you put it in his ear, he screams/yells and pats at the side of his head until they fall out.

Last week Drew had TWO bottom teeth pop through and he started crawling!
Evan is hiding.