Evan impressing Grandma in his super hero cape.
Drew wants to crawl so badly he is getting on all fours but he can't quite get the limbs going. I am sure we won't have to wait long though! He is also working on cutting some teeth.
James taught Evan to build a strong base for Lego towers and Evan has taken it from there! He is very creative with his towers and really likes to build a few every day.
Saturday was Evan's best buddy Vince's 3rd birthday party. The kids had fun in the pool and threw some water balloons. Evan got to eat his favorite food, cookout food. Baked beans and hot dogs, yum!
The Birthday Boy.
Water balloon toss.
Later that day we headed over to Ryan's house for his 2nd birthday party. Evan had more cake today than he has ever had at once.
Birthday Boy, Ryan.
James' birthday was on Friday. He celebrated his 37th birthday!
Here is some video for you. I was trying to get Evan to do some arm thing he had been doing but he ended up running around the living room. This was while we were in the middle of getting him dressed for the day. He also loves to skip. He is a very active child :)
Drew loving the soccer ball.
Drew after he came to love the Wantsomebuggy ball. One night I was making spaghetti and I asked Evan, "Do you want some spaghetti?" Somehow he crossed some words and now calls spaghetti, "Wantsomebuggy" And since the ball looks a little like spaghetti noodles, he calls it "Wantsomebuggy ball" Drew was hesitant to touch it for a while but overcame his apprehension as you can see.
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