Evan finally is enjoying wearing his super hero shirt. He wore it out to a play date the other day and after we were home for a while I told him it was time to go up and rest, at which point he asked me to take off his cape. I un-velcroed the cape from the back of the shirt and Evan said, "I not a super hero anymore."
Last week was a holiday so there was a long gap in between preschool days. I had to get out of the house on Thursday and though it was pretty cold out, I loaded the kids in the car to go to a really fun park all the way across town. Once we got there I bundled them up and put Drew on my back and I proceeded to chase after Evan for the next 2 hours.
Evan was very wary of this Dragon and wouldn't go near it until right before we left and he saw a couple other kids his age standing on it.
Our weather has been so mild lately that this cold snap was almost odd if we still weren't in February. Here is a blooming tree.
Evan insisted Drew sit next to him the other day after Drew got up from a nap. This was worth about 20 minutes uninterrupted dinner preparing time for me. Evan was holding Drew on like I had been at first, and then I asked him to give his brother a kiss for the camera.
Some recent Evanisms:
Evan even after being told "no" in the past, finally reached up the other day and touched a hot pan on the stove. I gasped, he started crying, but luckily, after some rinsing in cold water, we saw there was barely a pink mark on his middle finger. I told Evan to stand in the bathroom with his finger under the water after I had shown him how and I went back to take some things off the stove. When Evan came out of the bathroom he said, "I have a cook on my number 2 finger!"
Evan had an unexplained fever Thursday night and Friday and some things he said when he wasn't feeling so hot were:
Evan: I have ABCs in my eyes.
Me: ABCs?
Evan: Yes, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z, in my eyes.
Me: ...
He also said, "I have butterflies coming out of my ears."
When I thought his tummy wasn't feeling well, I asked him if he felt like he had to throw up, he said, "No! I keep throw in!"
He also woke up one of those mornings and said, "I have puffies in my eyes!"
Finally, here is a little tent-time fun! Take notice that Evan is calling me "Mom" now. That is my name, all the time. And James is Dad.