I gave Evan this fishing game the other day. He stops the wheel, and puts a fish on the pole, then starts it up again. Drew is afraid of it.
At the park on a beautiful Sunday, this last week.
Drew was looking at, and really got a kick out of the geese and ducks.
I gave the kids some apple and eventually I had to take away Drew's gnawed piece because he was getting choke worthy chunks in his mouth, and replace it with a brand new piece. He wasn't happy about that but eventually he got over it.
Evan going to the dump to the dump, to the dump, dump, dump, on his singing garbage truck.
Drew being a tricky stuntman on Evan's trike.
I met a friend at the NC Art Museum Green Way today with the kids. It was cooler than I thought it would be this morning until the sun burned off the clouds.
Come on Mom!
Ryan playing with Drew.
The kids loved the sound of pounding on these metal sheets.
Evan kept calling this the fence house and that he loved walking on tables. I told them they were high benches so he didn't get any bright ideas when we got home.
1 comment:
I love your hair! Looks beautiful!
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