Vince is pretty excited to have a new baby sister. I think he is also excited now that he AND Evan are big brothers.
Drew is 15 months old!
He is walking all over the place, saying words like, Binkie, (Buh-KAY!) Cracker, (Kah-Kah) Mommy, (Ma ma ma) Daddy, (Dah-dah or Dah-DEE). Drew is so affectionate and a snuggler and LOVES to go outside and walk around. He thinks it is SO FUNNY to run away from us when we want him that we have to keep an eye on him all the time. Luckily Evan is protective of Drew when we are out and about and he lets me know when Drew is headed out of bounds. What a good big brother!
Drew can drink out of a cup very well, but don't expect him not to spill it when he is in between sips. He is likely to turn the cup upside down. Drew swiped Evan's chocolate milk right off the edge of the table in this picture. I didn't dare take away his prize though! Good thing Evan had finished and was in the other room, or it would have been WWIII.
Evan has loved to paint on his easel recently.
Grandma H came to visit for a few days as James had to go out of town. It was nice to see her, as usual. Reading a story before bed:
Chloe always goes into a deep depression after my Mom leaves as well.
My Mom noticed a small local carnival so we all went out on a cold afternoon. Everything was also still quite damp and muddy from the days of rain we had, but it was still fun. The great news about all that rain is that our drought is relieved!
Drew was suspicious and really couldn't get over a dragon ride right next to the Merry-Go-Round. The dragons looked like they were giving side-long glances and that was just plain untrustworthy in Drew's book. It came to the point that he would fuss every half second we were rounding on the dragons.
Eventually he just tried to block it all out.
This is where Evan is a real trooper. You couldn't go on the ride if you were over 60 inches, and I had a hard time convincing the ride guy I was under 60 inches, even though I am 61 inches. So I brought Evan into the ride and buckled him up to go by himself. Evan kept the same stone faced stare for the first half of the ride, and the second half he closed his eyes, it was his turn to try to block it all out. But when he got off he said he had fun, and I guess that is what counts.
He stone face stared down the slide too but broke into smile once James and he came to a stop at the bottom.
Fun times.
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