I was watching my friend Angie's daughter Aiden a couple of weeks ago. She is 4, but very tall! And very sweet. Here is everyone waiting for the garbage truck.
Drew's new hobby his hitching his shirt up over his head like a hood. He loves walking around like this. He ends up looking quite like a Zombie, walking around with his arms out straight in front of him.
More fun trike time together. Evan was hamming it up, kissing Drew of his own accord.
Drew is very into what goes on with the potty now that Evan is almost completely potty trained. He insisted on wearing underwear a few weeks ago, and I put them over his diaper. He also sits on the potty waiting for things to magically appear in the bowl.
Up in Virginia I had the opportunity to meet Noah, my friend Tina's second son. He was so adorable. There is just something about holding a new baby. So still, so quiet, smelling so sweet.
Welcome to Earth, Noah!
Nate was a good playmate and host.
Butterfly on my Mom's back deck.
Evan enjoying a cup cake.
My cousin Tracy and her kids were here from the Netherlands for the summer and it was great to see them again, if only we could have seen more of them.
Will, center, with his friends.
Sean and Maryn.
The most stunning milestone of the visit, (besides some #2's on the potty,) was Evan finally driving the Jeep. Drew rode along, loving every second of it.
Drew also had fun with a dump truck down the driveway, and he was making noises imitating the Jeep.
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