Evan and Drew are starting to get along. Sometimes.
Drew taking care of "baby boy"
Drew accessorizing with the windshield from Handy Manny's Tool Truck.
Treats for Santa.
Christmas morning. Oh MY!!!! Look what Santa brought!
The horse is staying at Grandma's house.
Drew loves strollers. I wish they made some blue ones. Baby boys DO grow up to push their kids in strollers. If someone could start a line of boy colored strollers, they would probably cash in.
Evan's "Like a Bike" It is a bike without pedals so children can learn to ride sans training wheels. Supposedly they learn more quickly to balance.
Christmas Dinner table
We made a trip to the Air and Space Museum near Dulles Airport. It was really awesome! I had no idea how many actual air craft they had in the building.
Le Condcorde.
The Enola Gay, very surreal to see it in person.
The Space Shuttle Enterprise! Evan was wearing his light up airplane jacket Grandma E gave him for Christmas. He LOVES it and insisted of course he wear it to the airplane museum.
The Wright Brother's Plane
Grandaddy and Drew,
I had to wrangle Drew after a while. That boy is full tilt boogie.
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