Sunday, March 05, 2006

Evan on the Greenway and 15 Months Old

We took Evan to the Capital Area Greenway yesterday. We started walking on the portion near the North Carolina Museum of Art. There are several interesting pieces of art on the beginning of the walk and it is gorgeous.

Evan enjoying the Whirligig made by a farmer from Wilson, NC, Vollis Simpson. You can't see it in this picture but the breeze moves all the parts on it. Evan really thought it was neat!

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Next stop was "Trail Heads" by Patrick Dougherty. It looks like a big bird's nest and was a lot of fun. Evan wasn't too sure about walking on the new surfaces though so he stood inside and enjoyed it.

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Finally, Evan was 15 months old on Friday. He is walking really well now and his first word is Dada. If you come over to say hello he will probably call you Dada! When I tell evan "No" now he says "DA!" and pops himself in the belly or cheek. Strange child.

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