Wednesday, July 26, 2006


and Evan..loves...Elmo...too!

We bought Evan "Knows Your Name Elmo." It is Evan's first "tech toy" as we have to plug Elmo into the USB port of our computer and program Elmo's name and Evan's schedule for Elmo to keep track of.

Evan was wary of Elmo at first, but now he has really come to like him and he does respond when Elmo says "Hello...Evan, lets play!"

Here I found Evan reading his book Elmo Loves You.

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Stop taking my picture and let me read in peace!

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Evan carries Elmo around sometimes, they are best buds. Sometimes he does carry Elmo by the neck and head. When the new baby comes, Evan will not be allowed to carry it like he carries Elmo :-).

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A little kiss or chew on the eyeballs.

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A cuddle and hug.

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Then Evan sits Elmo down to go do his own thing.

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Evan also tried to give Elmo milk but he was too quick and I didn't get a picture.

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