James and I are very excited! Evan is so much fun so all we can do is look forward to his little brother. I hope Evan will enjoy him one day too!
He sort-of looks like Evan did, but who can really tell?
Evan had a terrible cold last week and he is still a little stopped up from it. He had a pretty high fever from it one night as well. Here he is resting on Daddy, completely pooped.
We are suffering the heat wave across the country as are many of you. It really is unbearable and we are pretty much cooped up. There are only so many times one can go to the mall play area and Evan isn't quite old enough even for fun places like children's museums. So here we are, stuck.
This weekend we put Evan in the baby pool and introduced him to playing with the hose. It was too funny each time he tried to look at the hole where the water was coming out and completely got himself in the face several times.
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