Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone. With Evan getting a bit older now it is fun to take part in all the Halloween festivities. Carving pumpkins just seems more worth the while with a kid there, no matter how short his attention span.

First though, we started off the weekend with a cold for Evan, and he was so tired from it at 10 am he just fell asleep on the floor! This is unheard of! He is doing better though we all have the cold now.

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On Sunday we carved pumpkins. Evan was a bit more interested in making music on the pumpkin guts bowl than carving the pumpkins. I carved the large pumpkin and James carved the smaller one.

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The final product:

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Today we took Evan round trick or treating at a few of our neighbors houses and a bit up the street. Everyone loved the little skunk. He didn't quite get the concept of receiving candy at the threat of trick or treat, but he did enjoy walking around in the dark and shaking his candy bucket.

Let's get going!

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Our neighbor Dale, she is so nice and is in love with Evan.

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He is getting good at this!

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Happy Halloween everyone!

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