Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pumpkin Patch!

My playgroup decided to take the kids sans costumes this year. I think it would have been a BATTLE to say the least.

When we first arrived they were removing the giant blue tarp from the haymountain and Evan found that extremely fascinating! Forget the haymountain, what is up with the tarp?

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Unlike most children Evan is not fascinated with animals. I think it is because most animals larger than him pretty much up to this point get slobber all over his face, whip him with their tails and knock him over. So, he gives the goats and roosters a passing glance and then moved onto the cotton-picking field. No I am not angry at the field, you actually pick cotton there. <--har har. Little interest in animals. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Then we had a pretty bumpy hayride! Evan was fussing when we first boarded the tractor pull because he is a big clausterphobic. He eventually warmed up and was enjoying the ride though. Here he is still perplexed at the whole thing.

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Walking out of the corn maze. We took the short cut.

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Which pumpkin should I choose?

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The choice. Okay, actually I chose it.

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After the patch we had a picnic lunch that was very cold! Here is Evan looking very cute with a little yogurt ring around his lips.

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