Tera's party had Ms. Cotton (a local children's musician) play for the kids. Evan sat for a few songs but Drew really had the most fun with it. He sat and played with the instruments and had a great time listening to the music.
Shaking an egg-shaped maraca.
Evan's favorite part: the cake.
On Sunday Evan and I went to lunch and to see the Bee Movie. We had an Evan and Mommy Day. Evan had a great time and so did I. We arrived a little to late for the first Bee movie, and a little early for the second showing, so Evan only made it about half way through the movie before he was getting a little loud exclaiming "It's dark in here!" He sat in the movie theater seat for about 1 minute before he decided my lap was a little more stable.
Evan wanting me to take a picture of him.
A play date here. Evan likes to accessorize now and it varies between sunglasses, jackets and baseball caps, some times all at once. The other night when James came home we were already sitting down to dinner and Evan was wearing his sunglasses and a jacket at the table.
Evan is a lot nicer to his brother lately. He loves to make Drew smile and laugh, and frequently plays with him, shares with him and hugs and kisses him. They still have their moments, but things are getting better.
Evan giving Drew a hug and the result was a head clunk on the floor for Drew. Oh well.
Drew is more and more interested in what the big people are eating. Here he is swiping some of Evan's "rainbow" Cheerios.
Drew dug into my backpack and dug out the snack trap filled with some of Evan's leavings; Goldfish crumbs. Drew went to town right away getting those crumbs out and eventually resorted to banging the snack trap on the floor to knock the crumbs out.
Evan wanted me to take a picture of him jumping.
Drew loves to hang out in the dog crate.
At the park. You can see Drew's 4 top teeth coming in at the same time!
Evan is very fast.
We were going to go to the zoo this Sunday but Evan just started antibiotics for a little bronchitis he has going on. Both boys have had chest colds for a few weeks now and I have it now as well. Tis the season!
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