Grandma and Evan splitting a sundae. Evan doesn't really like how cold ice cream is, but he did like the whipped cream.
Laughing with Granddad.
Granddad pushing Evan on the swing.
When we first turned into my parents' neighborhood, Evan said we were going "into the forest" because there are so many trees.
Drew loved this tunnel. Evan wouldn't go through tunnels until he was about 2 and a half. Drew is full speed ahead.
Drew in his new Air Force Academy hat. Too bad he doesn't keep hats on longer than 30 seconds.
While we were there my Mom and I took Evan and Drew to a ghost train and a fall festival. They were both a lot of fun! Evan had a blast at both and Drew seemed pretty happy to be there too.
This was Evan's favorite part of the festival by far, the carpet slide. I think I went down with him 4 or 5 times. He would have done it all day if we let him.
Drew is 10 months old! He is getting so big and enjoys eating the most I think. He loves his brother (when he isn't smooshing him or kicking him) and gets angry when he can't eat what we are eating. He certainly does have his baby ideas of how the world should be, and that is everything has to be HIS idea. He is starting to say "mama" in reference to me and tonight James was holding him and Drew was saying "da da"
Orange day at preschool on Halloween!
Arrr matey, your candy or your life! Evan was displeased to say it mildly when he first had the outfit on. But when we went to James' office trick or treat party he realized what this costume could get him, and that was a lot of candy. We went out to eat after the party and joined Evan's friends for trick or treating!
The cookie is a bribe to keep the outfit on.
Drew was a parrot. Of course!
Evan was checking out a howling ghost that rolled around the room. He didn't want to go near it.
Drew crawled up and started batting at the base of it.
Lets go to this Desk or Treat.
Later we met Tera and Vince. Evan was dashing up to houses and saying "trick or treat" in his soft Evan way. He even told one lady, "I'm an Evan pirate!"
Checking out a glow stick at the end of the night.
1 comment:
I've been waiting to see these Halloween pics! :) Great costumes!
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