Evan had his first dentist appointment today and everything went very well. We talked about it a bit this weekend and Evan seemed most excited about picking out a new toothbrush after the cleaning was over. I explained to him about the chair, and leaning back, the hygienist looking at and cleaning his teeth, and he seemed okay with everything, and he was! He opened wide when they asked him to, they counted his teeth, and he loved the sucker thing that sucks all the paste and water out of your mouth. At the end he picked out a new toothbrush and a ball. He had the ladies in the office cracking up as well. They asked him how old he was and he shyly looked at the ground and softly whispered, "Fhree." Then they asked him what his brother's name was and Evan said "He has one!" and then Evan pointed at me and said, "You're Firty!" (Thirty.) The ladies found this quite, quite funny. The picture quality here isn't the best, I was trying to take fast photos and the camera didn't have time to focus before I snapped.

Open wide!

Show us your pearly whites! Evan says, "My teeth are not yellow anymore."

Drew is 13 months old!

Drew is taking a couple steps here and there, I think he will be walking by the middle of February, latest. Drew eats anything and everything, but he is finally getting a little more discriminating about the floor trash that goes into his mouth. He doesn't like to be restrained, and is still putting up a fight to get dressed, which is a continuing tradition since the time he could first roll over. Drew hears the word, "No" and he takes it as a personal challenge to try the offensive activity with even more glee and fervor. He is a snuggly lovely little baby.

Some more pictures for you from this past week. Drew wants us to take the cap off.

But this is why we don't:

And this:

Evan loves spelling his name.
1 comment:
Those are a couple of cute fellows.
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