Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

A day late but here you go. Apparantly Evan can't wait to ride the school bus. Evan tries to get in the school bus to no avail, and at times he gets very frustrated because he can't fit. Here he is gracefully mounting the school bus.

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For Thanksgiving we traveled up to my parents' house. One of the last trips for a while to be sure!

Sitting with Grandad at the computer.

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Future Connect Four champion!

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Maggie wishes Evan had the muscle to open the door.

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Evan helps make the stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner.

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Did Grandad sneak you an Oreo after lunch?

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Evan ate dinner a little early because he was very cranky!

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He later enjoyed some pumpkin pie while the rest of us ate.

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Playing a game of honk Grandad's nose.

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Evan enjoys some time outside today after a few days of nasty weather.

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I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Turkey Day!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Evan Visits Santa

Last year, my happy little baby boy.

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This year did not go so well. He was MOSTLY mad that James tore him away from the kids' play area to wait for 5 mins in line. Then when it was time to sit with Santa, Evan was struggling and VERY angry so finally I came and sat next to Santa and Evan sat on me. He calmed down just enough for the photo.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Just Because

Some pics of Evan just because.

Pudding lover.

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Today on the greenway.

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Big Week for Evan

First here is Evan's 23 mos pic. Almost 2 years old, wow.

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I dropped Evan off at preschool and once I got there I took one photo and then I was planning on taking a picture of Evan in the classroom. The smiling picture below is right before he realized I was going to leave him there. As soon as the half-door was shut Evan started crying and attempting to get out. I took no more pics, said "Goodbye Evan!" and left. I guess he cried for about an hour after I left. It was very very hard to walk away. They had me come to pick him up after 2 hours instead of 3 just so it wouldn't be overload and they wanted him to leave when he was in an "ok" mood. When I arrived to pick him up he had some blue paint in his hair and his nose was running quite a bit. It was a sight. As on as he saw me he started crying and ran into my arms. Here is hoping next week will be better!

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Evan's new bed and dresser came. We bought a bunk bed and we are putting the top part in Evan's room and the bottom part in Drew's room. Drew's room is also pretty much ready to go. Evan doesn't sleep in his big boy bed yet, but we read stories in it before bed and nap times, he seems to enjoy it. We are thinking about lowering the bed, I worry about Evan leaning out over the rails. I don't know if it is worth the trouble though, maybe it is a silly concern of mine. All the paintings etc are being moved around tomorrow. Evan's new room left side:

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Right side:

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Reading before bed:

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Drew's roomis very small so all the pictures are of one or two things b/c I just can't get more in the frame!

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The crib will go where the glider is in Drew's room and the glider will go back in Evan's room. How we will rock Drew is kind of a conundrum right now