Saturday, December 30, 2006

Introducing Andrew James

I went to the hospital on Dec 28 for an elective induction. I was tired of being pregnant and so my OB was nice enough to schedule it! I was almost 40 weeks pregnant with Drew.

Leaving for the hospital. Quite a contrast to rushing off to the hospital when my water broke at 35 weeks with Evan.

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After a 6 hour labor welcome baby Andrew James! He was 7lb 15oz, 20.5 inches long born at 11:09pm.

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Mom and baby.

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He looks quite like Evan, but slightly different of course. He has quite a bit of bruising on his face which is the purple-ish cast on his cheeks, etc. It is already going away very quickly. It is really exciting to see this new person in our family.

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Evan comes to meet his little brother. He was curious and smiled at Drew. At one point a picture person came in to take Drew's hopital photo and I was cooing at Drew to keep him calm and that is the only time Evan was a little miffed. Otherwise he said "baby" a lot and smiled at Drew with curiosity. I missed Evan a whole bunch while I was in the hospital, I am glad to be home.

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James with Drew, playing with Evan.

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Dad burping baby Drew.

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Ready to go home!

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Well, this isn't going to be Drew's first Christmas. A big surprise to us but I guess that just goes to show that each pregnancy is different.

This was Evan's third Christmas and it was pretty fun. He doesn't understand Santa or anything but he certainly does understand his cool new toys.

First though I wanted to show you how obsessed Evan is with our coffee cups. He always wants a sip but never takes one; his lips get about a centimeter from the rim of the mug and he decides he doesn't want some after all. So to make up for it, he has started putting his sippy cup in his own mug in the mornings.

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Here is some seriously bad bed head after a 4 hour nap. We all have been fighting a nasty virus for the past couple of weeks and unfortunatley Evan is having a harder time with it.

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Chirstmas morning after Santa arrived.

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What is all this???

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A wagon (from Grandma and Grandad) full of cars!

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We had to open the cars right away.

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Look at all this new fun stuff!

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It is hard to say which is Evan's favorite, this Preschool Learning Center or the wagon. He actually likes to sit in the wagon next to the Learning Center most of the time so he can experience both.

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Chloe loved her present.

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Throughout the day Evan would go into the dining room and sit in this wagon. He evetually insisted we wheel it out to the living room again where he spent a majority of the day climbing in and out of it. It was raining today so we couldn't take him for a walk in it, but hopefully we will be able to tomorrow.

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We hope you all had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sorry So Long!

It has been a while since we posted. We have been really sick! Evan and I eventualy had to go on antibiotics and James just came down with all the awful symptoms so it looks like we will have the plague for another week or so. Good thing baby Drew has decided to hang in quite a bit longer than Evan did!

Here is Evan feeling puny and sitting in his new favorite chair, the glider we moved down from his bedroom to the living room.

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James gave me an iMac for Christmas! My laptop had been giving me some problems and it was time to move on to a new computer. I am pretty happy with it and Evan likes it a lot too. Here he is on one of his favorite websites,

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On a sad note, a member of my Mom's group is moving away in January. She is due 5 days before me. Here we are at our last Mom's Night Out. Alison is on the very far left. She is moving about 3 hours away to Virginia so hopefully we will still visit occasionally.

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Evan's 2 Year Pictures

9 days old.

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1 year old.

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2 years old.

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Two Year Professional portraits.

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Evan is starting to live up to his 2 year old behavior. I think he must have received a memo on his birthday or something. We have had to implement "Time Out" and he is starting to get the gist of it. Evan is still a people lover though and he does charm just about everyone he meets!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Guess Who Had a Birthday Party Today!?!

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That is Evan's fancy car he loves so much from Grandma Heflebower. Her birthday is a day before Evan's. Here is a picture of Evan and Grandma enjoying a Happy Birthday song right before cake over Thanksgiving in a little family celebration.

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Evan shared a birthday party this year with his fellow playgroup buddies who also have birthdays in December.

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The birthday boys. Evan was VERY tired by the end of the party and kind of over-whelmed. Here is Evan, Levi and RJ.

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Lavanya and Sharat came by with their son Ryan who is getting SO BIG! He is a cutie pie.

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The cake.

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Daddy holding Evan getting ready to blow out the candles.

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Playing horsey on Grandma Parlier's knee. She drove down from Hickory for Evan's big party.

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Evan and Tera sharing some party favors.

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Our very temporary family of 3!

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At home after the party with one of his presents from his buddy Ryan in the playgroup. What can be more fun than a remote control tractor?

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We will have some more pictures of Evan on his birthday tomorrow with his bear and Palm Pilot. That will be the last monthly picture of Evan with his props, from now on it will be once a year. *sniffle*

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

A day late but here you go. Apparantly Evan can't wait to ride the school bus. Evan tries to get in the school bus to no avail, and at times he gets very frustrated because he can't fit. Here he is gracefully mounting the school bus.

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For Thanksgiving we traveled up to my parents' house. One of the last trips for a while to be sure!

Sitting with Grandad at the computer.

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Future Connect Four champion!

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Maggie wishes Evan had the muscle to open the door.

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Evan helps make the stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner.

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Did Grandad sneak you an Oreo after lunch?

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Evan ate dinner a little early because he was very cranky!

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He later enjoyed some pumpkin pie while the rest of us ate.

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Playing a game of honk Grandad's nose.

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Evan enjoys some time outside today after a few days of nasty weather.

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I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Turkey Day!