Sunday, September 20, 2009


Every year for the past couple of years we take the kids down to SparkCon, a celebration of creativity. The city shuts down a few streets for a few days, galleries open some shows, people gather to draw gorgeous pastel chalk drawings, and artisans sell gorgeous jewelry, pottery and fine art. Next year I may head down one day with out the kids because there was so much I didn't get a chance to peruse. We packed a lunch and went down. Usually we head down on Sunday, when the chalk art is complete, but this year we went on Saturday and we were able to see the creation in action. There were a lot more people this year signed up to draw as well.



Bottle Cap Car


Here is a "Barrel Monster" that a local NC State University design school student creates. He was actually charged with larceny for past creations and had to perform community service for making the monsters, which are pretty cool. Renegade art I suppose.



An old former hardware store downtown.


This was Evan's favorite chalk art. He loved the "rainbow petals"


The boys saw some children getting their faces painted and for the first time showed some interest. Evan chose a tiger, and Drew, of course, followed suit.

It tickles!



So ferocious!


Drew wasn't so patient and the face painter did a wonderful job of making it quick.



Then he ran down the street growling at strangers.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day Back to School

So exciting! Evan is going back for his last year of preschool and Drew started his first year in preschool in the 2's. It was kind of odd to see Drew interacting with children his age as most of his friends are also Evan's friends and older. Evan was very excited to return to preschool and ran right in the classroom as soon as the door was opened. Drew kept yelling at me "GO MY PEESCHOOL!" While we were waiting for Evan's door to open. I knew what Drew wanted, he wanted to get back in to play with the fire truck he was forced to abandon after orientation last week. And sure enough, he did.

His teacher told me he cried during snack time but she couldn't figure out what he was upset about. Oh well! Tomorrow we go back again and I couldn't be more excited either.

To celebrate the first day back I went to Panera and sat down with a newspaper and a cup of coffee for a while then went to pick up a couple things from the grocery store all by myself! I can get and am used to this!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Long Time No See

I am sorry for the long delay in updating the blog. Life is busy and carrying us in new and exciting directions. James is looking for a new job and we are wrapping up summer time. Both kids start preschool next week so that will be fun and exciting. In the mean time here is a quick photo of my two little boys.