Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Drew is 8 Months Old!

Yep, believe it or not, he is. Only 4 mos old from being a 1 year old. Time is flying faster than it ever did with Evan.


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Then he started crawling towards me...

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and I tried to reposition him and my camera swung out and hit him in the face!

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I had to get a picture of this regular occurrence in our house, Drew's head bonking. He is easily consoled though, so fear not.

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Evan at 8 months old.

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He crawled away too!

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Updates and Pictures

Binkie is broken...

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Evan still slept with his binkie at night and recently I decided that
we should get rid of it. He sleeps with it in his mouth at night
unless I come in and take it out so I was worried about his teeth
coming in.

Mysteriously, Evan's binkie became broken. I brought it to him and pointed out that binkie was broken and that we usually we throw broken things into
the trash. I asked him if he wanted to throw it away and he said,
"No!" A few minutes later however he brought it into the kitchen and
said "Binkie throw away," and he tossed it into the trash can.

That night when he climbed into bed after bath he picked up his lovey
guitar and started looking for binkie. Binkie has always been a
partner to guitar in Evan's mind. Evan looked around the bed and said
"Binkie, where are you?" James reminded him that binkie was broken
and we threw it away. Evan looked slightly in shock. James said it
was like sitting in the room with someone who knows something bad just
happened but they can't bring themselves to talk about it. Evan was
in shock through story time and he kept rubbing his guitar and saying
"Guitar, guitar..." as if to remind himself that at least guitar was
still there.

Evan slept great that night and has had a good nap and another good
night since binkie "broke" We have had to remind him a couple of
times that binkie was broken and gone, but it seems to be sinking in.
He has been a tad more emotional the past few days I think due in
part to separating from binkie. It is a pretty big lesson in finality
to say good bye to such a treasured item.

But I think I would rather face that now than the orthodontist's bill

Drew is trying a lot of new foods and enjoying most of them. He doesn't particularly like egg yolk, but he will eat it to be polite.

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Drew enjoys the taste (and feel) of warm oatmeal with fruit.

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Evan still likes his photo taken.

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Drew also enjoys pastina with veggies.

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Evan still enjoys peanut butter and jelly.

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Drew does not enjoy wearing bibs or hats, he rips them off. I was hoping he would be my hat wearing child; alas, no.

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Evan enjoys listening to music on my iPod. He will only hold the ear buds up to his ears though. If you put it in his ear, he screams/yells and pats at the side of his head until they fall out.

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Last week Drew had TWO bottom teeth pop through and he started crawling!

Evan is hiding.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Birthday Weekend

My Mom came to visit on Tuesday and left on Saturday. It is always sad to see her go. Evan was very excited that his "Gabba" was visiting.

Evan impressing Grandma in his super hero cape.

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Drew wants to crawl so badly he is getting on all fours but he can't quite get the limbs going. I am sure we won't have to wait long though! He is also working on cutting some teeth.

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James taught Evan to build a strong base for Lego towers and Evan has taken it from there! He is very creative with his towers and really likes to build a few every day.


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Saturday was Evan's best buddy Vince's 3rd birthday party. The kids had fun in the pool and threw some water balloons. Evan got to eat his favorite food, cookout food. Baked beans and hot dogs, yum!

The Birthday Boy.

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Water balloon toss.

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Later that day we headed over to Ryan's house for his 2nd birthday party. Evan had more cake today than he has ever had at once.

Birthday Boy, Ryan.

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James' birthday was on Friday. He celebrated his 37th birthday!

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Here is some video for you. I was trying to get Evan to do some arm thing he had been doing but he ended up running around the living room. This was while we were in the middle of getting him dressed for the day. He also loves to skip. He is a very active child :)

Drew loving the soccer ball.

Drew after he came to love the Wantsomebuggy ball. One night I was making spaghetti and I asked Evan, "Do you want some spaghetti?" Somehow he crossed some words and now calls spaghetti, "Wantsomebuggy" And since the ball looks a little like spaghetti noodles, he calls it "Wantsomebuggy ball" Drew was hesitant to touch it for a while but overcame his apprehension as you can see.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I was in the kitchen doing something pretty zoned out and I kept hearing Drew bouncing in the exersaucer. He has always been a really active guy in the saucer so I tune it out. After a few minutes, I looked over to where he was supposed to be and it was empty space. I looked down and he had traveled a few feet all by himself, bouncing along. He was pretty pleased with himself. Here is Drew in the saucer, I should get some video soon, because it is quite a racket.

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The other day I gave Evan some raisins and strawberries, in another futile attempt to get him to eat fresh fruit. He didn't eat the raisins and later I found them on Drew's exersaucer. I was pretty surprised Evan had put them there, and a little unnerved that such a choking hazard was sitting on the saucer for a few hours without my knowledge. Drew hadn't gone into the saucer while they were on though so I cleaned them up and quickly forgot about it.

Today James and I were vacuuming the stairs (it is a 2 man job) while Evan played and Drew was safely stowed in the saucer. Then we are finishing up and James calls me over saying "Drew got into something." I come over and Drew has red all over his face and there is read smeared all over the exersaucer tray and his hands. Then I see it, a mangled strawberry. I had forgotten about the strawberry I had given Evan which he had not eaten the day before. Then he must have put that in the saucer too and Drew had a little fun with it. Luckily, Drew had his binky in, so no strawberry made it into his mouth but he did enjoy it otherwise.

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Evan being cute laying on the floor and sitting at the table. The week before last, Evan was ill with a mystery sore-throat and fever combo. This week we had an awful heat wave, as I am sure many of you experienced as well. We couldn't go out and after 2 weeks, we all really had some cabin fever.

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Today was our neighborhood community and we got out of the house as a family for the first time in a couple of months. James is back in school and that coupled with the heat and sickness has kept us from doing something fun for a while! Evan was VERY excited that we were going to eat hot dogs. He was talking about it all day. Drew joined us eating some puffs. I was surprised at how brave Evan was while we were up there. He went into a giant blown up caterpillar tunnel (with me) and then bounced around in a bounce house all by himself! We also were able to see a fire truck so it was a good day.

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A picture James snapped in a former pond on the way home.

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Finally, a picture of me. No more red hair. I had to take it this way because no one ever takes a picture of me, I am always the one behind the camera. :( I have also lost 10 pounds as a result of training for a 5K at the end of September.

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