Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone. With Evan getting a bit older now it is fun to take part in all the Halloween festivities. Carving pumpkins just seems more worth the while with a kid there, no matter how short his attention span.

First though, we started off the weekend with a cold for Evan, and he was so tired from it at 10 am he just fell asleep on the floor! This is unheard of! He is doing better though we all have the cold now.

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On Sunday we carved pumpkins. Evan was a bit more interested in making music on the pumpkin guts bowl than carving the pumpkins. I carved the large pumpkin and James carved the smaller one.

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The final product:

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Today we took Evan round trick or treating at a few of our neighbors houses and a bit up the street. Everyone loved the little skunk. He didn't quite get the concept of receiving candy at the threat of trick or treat, but he did enjoy walking around in the dark and shaking his candy bucket.

Let's get going!

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Our neighbor Dale, she is so nice and is in love with Evan.

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He is getting good at this!

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Happy Halloween everyone!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Spooky Halloween Preview

Coming soon to computer screens everywhere!

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Behold the Army of Darkness! Gather, my minions!

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(These are the cupcakes I made for the party)

Evan was very cooperative with his costume much to my elated surprise. The first time we put it on him he was rather unhappy. But since then we have been putting him in heavier fleece sleepers at night and hoods for walks outside so he is more used to the feeling of a heavier outfit.

I can't wait to take him trick or treating this year.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pumpkin Patch!

My playgroup decided to take the kids sans costumes this year. I think it would have been a BATTLE to say the least.

When we first arrived they were removing the giant blue tarp from the haymountain and Evan found that extremely fascinating! Forget the haymountain, what is up with the tarp?

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Unlike most children Evan is not fascinated with animals. I think it is because most animals larger than him pretty much up to this point get slobber all over his face, whip him with their tails and knock him over. So, he gives the goats and roosters a passing glance and then moved onto the cotton-picking field. No I am not angry at the field, you actually pick cotton there. <--har har. Little interest in animals. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Then we had a pretty bumpy hayride! Evan was fussing when we first boarded the tractor pull because he is a big clausterphobic. He eventually warmed up and was enjoying the ride though. Here he is still perplexed at the whole thing.

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Walking out of the corn maze. We took the short cut.

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Which pumpkin should I choose?

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The choice. Okay, actually I chose it.

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After the patch we had a picnic lunch that was very cold! Here is Evan looking very cute with a little yogurt ring around his lips.

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Good News and Pics of Drew

Well I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes a couple weeks ago. After a week of 4x a day glucose testing I am doing well enough that from now on I only have to test 2x a day and email the results, so no more appointments at the Perinatal place for me until closer to the due date.

It will be nice to not have to prick my finger and remember to test so often! On another positive note, we qualified for another ultrasound to check if Drew is measuring where he should be as big babies can be a side-effect of Gestational Diabetes.

It was really neat to see Drew so far along in the pregnancy, he is really looking like a baby instead of a skelatal alien that early ultrasounds usually reveal. We also discovered he is going to look a lot like his big brother. They have virtually identical head shapes and noses. I call Evan's nose a "clover nose" because as a newborn it looked to me like a perfect little 3 leafed clover and Drew has some clover nose potential that is for sure!

Profile pic of Drew:

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Big yawn:

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Clover nose:

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Evan as a newborn:

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Look! Up In the Sky......!!!

Guess where we went today?

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Wings Over Wayne a local annual air show held at Seymour Johnson AFB.

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We decided to make the trek out east a bit to let Evan see what REAL airplanes look like up close instead of the distant passenger jets we point out in the sky to him on walks. The best part were The Thunderbirds! We also wanted to show him the various fighters what his Grandad (my Dad) flew for so many years.

I don't know how many times James asked me to "Take a picture of me and Evan in front of this F-such and such plane.

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Evan was pretty astounded by the noise of the planes and he quickly adapted to the sound by running to my lap every time we said "Here they come Evan!" Here is a rare picture of me in all my pregnant glory.

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Evan also spent a lot of time on James for a good view.

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Whoa, that was loud.

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So cool!

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It was a long day but worth the trip. Evan had fun and now "Airplane!" has a whole new meaning.

Another bit of good news is that we will be staying in Raleigh. James was looking for another job and we thought we may have to move, but it turns out we don't which is pretty exciting.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Evan is 22 Months Old!

Evan is only 2 months away from being a 2 YEAR OLD!!! He definately has some attitude as well. I remember when he was a sweet, fat, bald baby and we used to ponder that there was NO WAY we could imagine him with attitude! And here we are today wondering how he could be any other way?

Actually, Evan is very mellow compared to a lot of toddlers. He has his moments but overall he is very pleasant, smiley and fun.

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Here he is looking especially cute; laying on the couch watching tv with Daddy.

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Very intent on what he is watching.

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

100 Posts!!!!

This is the 100th post on Evan's blog! Wow that is a lot of Evan updates! We have had a lot going on lately and I will fill you in on it hopefully very soon.

Anyway, yesterday was Evan's friend Penelope's 2nd birthday party at a fun local place called Pullen Park. It is a lot of fun with a very very old fashioned carousel and a fun train! Lately the train is out of commission due to some joy stealing vandals.

Evan's favorite part of going anywhere isn't really the destinations but exploring. He could spend hours walking around a park just looking at everything.

Here we go ready to party!

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The first carousel ride of the day. James didn't know the flash was off so all the pictures came out blurry, but I liked the look on Evan's face in this one despite the blur. Evan kept trying to push my hands off so he could ride alone! But he is not quite ready for that!

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Time to go back to get something to eat and watch Penelope blow out her candle!

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Another highlight for Evan, playing with a cup of ice and sticking the straw in and out, in and out.

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Evan spent a good amount of time enjoying the geometric pattern of these paving stones. It was hard to tear him away!

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Again on the carousel, fighting Daddy to ride by himself. You can see the mood progression as the carousel started spinning, despite Evan's confinement.

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