Thursday, February 01, 2007

Brother Pictures!

Smile! You are sitting next to your brother!

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This is the only way Evan will interact with Drew, knocking on his head.

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Okay, seriously, you are getting too close.

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Fine, I will move, just don't touch me.

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We went to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science this week with the playgroup. There are fake habitats and dinosaur bones to see. Evan's favorite part was a turtle habitat. I don't think the turtle was in there, but I think Evan thought he was peering out of a window into a grassy swampland. You can see him here in the distance.

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James finger painted with Evan for the first time the other day. As you know, Evan doesn't like to have goopy, messy things on his hands, so we have to keep at it!

I'll use Daddy's finger instead of mine.

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What is this stuff on my hand?

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