Friday, February 24, 2006

Hurricane Evan

The devastation of Evan day to day has become almost unbelievable. Since he has been able to walk, an entirely new world of objects has opened up, and so has the ability to move them from place to place. Just the other day James and I noticed a set of toys missing and we looked everywhere. Finally we resigned ourselves to the fact that the toys probably were put in the trash can courtesy of Evan despite the trashcan having a lid. James dug through the the coffee grounds and cat litter in the trash and sure enough, the two missing pieces of Evan's toy were at the bottom of the bag. Somehow at a tiny moment when the lid was up, Evan had managed to throw them in there without me seeing.

I took some pictures to chronical the devistation and this was not the worst I have seen it.

A toronado comes and scatters the toys about the room.

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The kitchen is no refuge from the toddler storm.

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My towels end up all over the house.

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The cabinet is for storing things, including toys, sippy cups and couch pillows.

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Caught in the act of emptying his book case.

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Take shelter! Here comes the storm!

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