Saturday, February 25, 2006

Visit to Grandma's

We made the drive to Hickory today to see Evan's Grandma! It was nice to visit with James' mother again and Evan had loads of fun. Evan was a bit upset when we arrived from being penned in the car but when we took him out to lunch he cheered right up!

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Evan had fun at Grandma's house getting into all sorts of things he shouldn't and having a ball trying to get to them once removed from his grasp! It was a great visit and he is STILL wound up from all the fun today and here it is 9:30pm. Here is Evan having some fun in Grandma's kitchen.

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Who needs toys when you have wonderful things like empty bowls and bottles of lotion to play with. Grandma had a most interesting bear of which Evan reamained ever skeptical. Click the thumbnail below to see the bear's rendition of "Cherish" by David Cassidy- Note the look on Evan's face.

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