Sunday, October 15, 2006

Look! Up In the Sky......!!!

Guess where we went today?

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Wings Over Wayne a local annual air show held at Seymour Johnson AFB.

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We decided to make the trek out east a bit to let Evan see what REAL airplanes look like up close instead of the distant passenger jets we point out in the sky to him on walks. The best part were The Thunderbirds! We also wanted to show him the various fighters what his Grandad (my Dad) flew for so many years.

I don't know how many times James asked me to "Take a picture of me and Evan in front of this F-such and such plane.

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Evan was pretty astounded by the noise of the planes and he quickly adapted to the sound by running to my lap every time we said "Here they come Evan!" Here is a rare picture of me in all my pregnant glory.

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Evan also spent a lot of time on James for a good view.

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Whoa, that was loud.

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So cool!

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It was a long day but worth the trip. Evan had fun and now "Airplane!" has a whole new meaning.

Another bit of good news is that we will be staying in Raleigh. James was looking for another job and we thought we may have to move, but it turns out we don't which is pretty exciting.

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