Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Some Updates

Drew has a bit of jaundice the pediatricians are watching. I guess jaundice can be caused by blood type issues , (mine is negative and the boys are positive) and Drew has some jaundice as Evan did. Hopefully we won't have to put him on the bili-light as Drew is 5 days old and eating very well and passing fluids. We go back tomorrow for a recheck and hopefully his numbers will be down. On the plus side he is back up to his birth weight.

Evan is adjusting well and pretty curious about his little brother. Though Drew is so quiet right now Evan barely notices he is around. I taught Evan to say "hi" to Drew so now whenever he sees Drew or Drew cries Evan says "Hi!" It has been a good adjustment so far but I know that is subject to change.

Here is Evan at a few days old vs Drew at a few days old. They are definitly brothers!

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Drew looking as yellow as a lemon with jaundice.

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Evan having fun with Drew's baby mirror.

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