Saturday, December 30, 2006

Introducing Andrew James

I went to the hospital on Dec 28 for an elective induction. I was tired of being pregnant and so my OB was nice enough to schedule it! I was almost 40 weeks pregnant with Drew.

Leaving for the hospital. Quite a contrast to rushing off to the hospital when my water broke at 35 weeks with Evan.

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After a 6 hour labor welcome baby Andrew James! He was 7lb 15oz, 20.5 inches long born at 11:09pm.

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Mom and baby.

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He looks quite like Evan, but slightly different of course. He has quite a bit of bruising on his face which is the purple-ish cast on his cheeks, etc. It is already going away very quickly. It is really exciting to see this new person in our family.

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Evan comes to meet his little brother. He was curious and smiled at Drew. At one point a picture person came in to take Drew's hopital photo and I was cooing at Drew to keep him calm and that is the only time Evan was a little miffed. Otherwise he said "baby" a lot and smiled at Drew with curiosity. I missed Evan a whole bunch while I was in the hospital, I am glad to be home.

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James with Drew, playing with Evan.

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Dad burping baby Drew.

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Ready to go home!

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