Saturday, December 02, 2006

Guess Who Had a Birthday Party Today!?!

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That is Evan's fancy car he loves so much from Grandma Heflebower. Her birthday is a day before Evan's. Here is a picture of Evan and Grandma enjoying a Happy Birthday song right before cake over Thanksgiving in a little family celebration.

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Evan shared a birthday party this year with his fellow playgroup buddies who also have birthdays in December.

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The birthday boys. Evan was VERY tired by the end of the party and kind of over-whelmed. Here is Evan, Levi and RJ.

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Lavanya and Sharat came by with their son Ryan who is getting SO BIG! He is a cutie pie.

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The cake.

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Daddy holding Evan getting ready to blow out the candles.

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Playing horsey on Grandma Parlier's knee. She drove down from Hickory for Evan's big party.

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Evan and Tera sharing some party favors.

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Our very temporary family of 3!

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At home after the party with one of his presents from his buddy Ryan in the playgroup. What can be more fun than a remote control tractor?

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We will have some more pictures of Evan on his birthday tomorrow with his bear and Palm Pilot. That will be the last monthly picture of Evan with his props, from now on it will be once a year. *sniffle*

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